What is Bujinkan?

Bujinkan is the name given to the study of 9 traditional schools of martial arts taught by Soke Masaaki Hatsumi from Japan. Being traditional martial arts schools, the focus for the schools is not on winning in competition or aesthetics, but on teaching principles to a warrior on how to defeat an enemy with minimal effort. Due to this historical context, the schools are complete systems that includes strikes, locks and holds, throws and weapons, and are designed to give the warrior tools in which to explore principles of combat that were required to survive.

What does training involve?

A typical training session involves the following:

  • Ukemi and taihenjutsu: Body movement and injury avoidance
  • Sanshin no Kata/Kihon Happo: Practice of fundamental techniques with a partner
  • Waza: Practice of technique from schools and exploration of principles
  • Weapons: Paired weapon practice

Training does involve physical interaction with a partner and can be as hard or soft as desired between training partners. The method of training is similar to what is conducted in Japan, where a technique is shown and students practice and are guided by the instructor.

The focus at Shoshin dojo is on the study of movement and exploration of principles within the technique to enable efficient and effective movement. The Bujinkan is taught very openly in Japan and therefore different instructors have different emphases in their training. If you are after something in particular from training, please contact us and we can discuss how training could meet your needs, or if other instructors nearby could assist you.

Who can train?

Training is open to all people aged 16 and over of any fitness level. We occasionally take on people younger but only if they show a keen interest and willingness to learn. It is noted that this art is unlike modern sports and whilst the initial movements are simple, they are quite subtle and complex when you explore deeper. Students that are patient and willing to explore and learn independently with guidance provided by the instructor will get the most out of training.

How do I start training?

Please contact us to register for class or book in for a class via the Eventbrite website. Please turn up 5-10 minutes before starting so that we can discuss what you are after from training and any injuries etc. Please wear comfortable, modest clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty/damaged.

The standard uniform is a black karate gi and a white belt which can be picked up from martial arts supply stores or online however standard fitness clothing is sufficient. We use many different weapons during training but picking up a bokken (wooden sword), hanbo (3 foot stick) and rokushaku bo (6 foot stick) will cover you during the majority of training.

What is Shoshin

Shoshin (初心) is a concept in Zen Buddhism Budo/Warrior Arts that refers to the ‘Beginners Mind’. It denotes having an attitude of openness and willingness to learn and question without preconceptions even when studying at an advanced level.

Even when you do a technique 10,000 times, whilst they may be similar, no two times will be exactly the same. Therefore everytime you do a technique you are a beginner at that particular technique, so this Beginners mind is an important aspect of training.

I am looking to get fit….

The main focus of training is learning the principles of combat tactics. Doing this will give some incidental fitness (i.e. getting down and getting back up, physical movement, rolling etc.) This is a great way to start your fitness journey.
If getting fit is something that is important to you we can discuss further at you first class.

How long will it take to get my black belt/be effective?

The timeframe varies depending on your dedication and focus. Generally, it takes between 3-5 years of consistent training to reach blackbelt. In Japanese the 1st black belt grade is called shodan, which means beginners grade symbolising that getting a black belt is only the beginning step of training.

In terms of how long does it take to be able to defend yourself – the Bujinkan principles are quite simple and these can be taken to a level of proficiency quite quickly. Refining your ability and exploring deeper into the movement can then take a considerable time as there is always more to refine and learn.

If you are looking to fight in a ring, Bujinkan training can give you some good tools and principles to use.

What else can I do to assist in martial art training?

Whilst Japanese martial arts, and in particular older forms of martial study, have particular movement patterns, there are only so many ways to move efficiently and training in different forms of movement can be very beneficial to general martial arts practice. Increasing fitness, strength and mobility will have great carry over to martial arts practice.

Similarly, the students of Bujinkan are varied and it is often the case where studying in the Bujinkan has had spill over into other movement practice. If you already have a movement practice, be it sport, performance, dance, other martial arts – the basic movement patterns in the Bujinkan can be very helpful in giving another method to unlock how to use your body.

In addition – practice involves working with a moving and adapting partner. Having resistance that moves and adapts is an excellent way to find new awareness in your movement that can be taken into your general practice.

If you already have a movement practice, we would love to discuss how training in the Bujinkan can supplement and benefit you when you come to a class.